Live The DNA

1/30/2022 - 2/27/2022

The DNA of an acorn already knows how to become a forest. The DNA of a puppy already knows how to grow up and slobber all over your couch. The only questions is if there will be a chance to live out our DNA. In the same way, the DNA of the church is given to us by Jesus. He has told us who we are to be. They question we face is if we will will the DNA.

In This Series

  1. Love God | Live The DNA Week: 1 | Ethan Magness
  2. Love God | Live The DNA Week: 1 | Ethan Magness
  3. Love Others | Live The DNA Week: 2 | Ethan Magness
  4. Love Others | Live The DNA Week: 2 | Ethan Magness
  5. Make Disciples | Live The DNA Week: 3 | Ethan Magness
  6. Make Disciples | Live The DNA Week: 3 | Ethan Magness
  7. Tell Our Stories | Live The DNA Week: 4 | Ethan Magness
  8. Tell Our Stories | Live The DNA Week: 4 | Ethan Magness
  9. Committing to the DNA | Live the DNA Week: 5 | Ethan Magness