Mental Health Night

Are you hearing Weeds In My Garden sermons and want to go deeper? Mental Health Night is for you and your questions: Is it okay for Christians to have struggles? What is the counseling experience like? What is the relationship between physical and mental health? Is it un-Christian to take medication? How can I know when a situation can benefit from professional counseling?

Hear counselors Dana Skaggs, John Lawson, Eve Giesey, John Angelopoulos, and Lisa Blankenship share insights from their vast collective experience. Experience the unique opportunity to hear clinical aspects of mental health from a panel of professionals who have a godly perspective, bringing hope and help to common mental health struggles. Identify how emotional and mental challenges can be addressed through various counseling approaches and therapeutic tools. Attention will be given to mental health concerns of all ages. A limited Q & A session and short break-out opportunity will be offered following the main presentation.

There will be no childcare for this event. Please reach out to Lisa Blankenship with any questions or concerns. 

Lisa Blankenship
(423) 232-5703


Date / Time